PPG 50/50 Club

If you would like to join the Patient Participation Group 50/50 Club.

Please see details below.

Norheads Lane Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)

50:50 Club – Starting in Spring 2022

Thank you for agreeing to become a member of the 50:50 club, which aims to help raise funds for the improvement of patients at Norheads Lane Surgery.

Note that you must either be a patient of Norheads Lane Surgery or complete your application at the surgery premises.

As a member of the 50:50 club you will pay £12 for a year’s worth of monthly draws starting in the first month after the club has 30 members. Once started additional members can be added during the year by paying a pro-rata payment for the remaining months.

You will be allocated a number which will be added to each monthly draw. You will receive notification of your number on your ticket preferably by email but otherwise post.

If you wish to buy more than one number then please indicate this below and pay an appropriate number of £12’s. You will receive a separate ticket for each one.

Draws will be made on the 3rd Wednesday each month at the Norheads Lane Surgery premises. Eligible numbers will be added to a random number generator and one number will be declared the winner.

The winning number will be awarded a monetary prize to the value of 50% of the total monies collected for that month

In the event of any dispute then the decision of the Norheads Lane Surgery PPG Executive Committee will be final.

Receiving the Membership Ticket

If you have an email address then this will be emailed to you. Otherwise, it will be posted to you. You will receive a separate ticket for each number you hold.

The ticket will be like the following:

Application for membership of the Norheads Lane Surgery PPG 50:50 club

Part 1 – Completion of Contact Details

First and last name 
Home address 
Phone number 
Mobile number 
Email address 

Part 2 – Payment of Monies to PPG

Before your membership starts we need to receive £12 for each number you require via one of the following methods, please:

ChequePayable to: Patient Participation Group Norheads Lane Surgery
Bank transferAccount name: Patient Participation Group Norheads Lane Surgery
Account number: 30275993       
Sort Code: 23-05-80
In the reference add your last name and initial
CashOnly available at special events held at the surgery with PPG presence or taken to Lynne Martin at 46 Melody Road, TN16 3PH

Part 3 – If you Have the Choice, how do you Want any Prize Paid to you

 Please tick preferred option
Bank transfer 

For bank transfer please give your bank account details, or alternatively you can wait until you win.

Account name 
Sort code 
Account number 

 Part 4 – Returning the Information

If you are patient of Norheads Lane Surgery and you are using bank transfer to make the payment then the completed proforma can be emailed to Lynne Martin using funkystork2@hotmail.co.uk.

If paying by cheque then put cheque and completed details in a sealed envelope labelled PPG 50:50 club. Either drop envelope into the Norheads Lane Surgery reception or post to Norheads Lane Surgery, 14A Norheads Lane, Biggin Hill, TH16 3XS.

Note that cash can only be accepted either at the Norheads Lane Surgery when a PPG executive member is present such as when there is a special event such as a flu clinic or taken to Lynne Martin at 46 Melody Road, Biggin Hill, TN16 3PH.